The Basics
Name: Hannah
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Location: Detroit
Your Weaknesses: judgemental, I flirt with everyone without meaning too...I am probably flirting with this ap right now, and it's getting all offended..., a hypocrite sometimes, a bit too extreme left, tendency to get up on my soapbox, offensive because of my soapbox standing, I rant, I am scared of spiders, I’m not very tolerant of people who don’t agree with me/stupid people, if I don’t like someone I am mean, I hold a grudge, snarky, sarcastic, an idealist who has figured out idealism cannot be reached because people are too damn stupid to do anything right and am thus a cynic, stubborn, not a morning person, I have really extreme moods (not mood swings, just moods) so I am always very happy or very upset or very angry or very positive or very negative or…well, you get the picture.
Your Strengths: writing, reading, loyalty, bravery, I stick to my guns no matter what, original in my ideas, creative, and I can drink you all under the table XD
Your Talents: writing, snowboarding, mountain biking
Favorite Color(s) and why? Black, because it’s a nice colour. I dunno…I’ve liked it ever since I was about five and my best friend told me girls like pink and light blue and green and boys like black, red, and dark blue. I laughed and told him I loved the colour black and it’s been a favourite of mine ever since.
Favorite Place(s) and why? I adore Silvaplana. It’s a little ski resort near (10 min bus ride) to St. Moritz, and it’s so nice, because it’s much more down to earth than St. Moritz (meaning there are a lot less fur coats). The quality of the snowboarding is superb, and the weather is gorgeous (it’s only bad weather for like…a week a year).
Favorite Movie(s) and why? Indiana Jones, because I idealize him and his movies are the best thing since sliced bread, RENT, because the message is awesome and Angel is my love (well, no, but I wish she was), and finally V for Vendetta, because I am officially convinced the government is evil and I want to overthrow the person/people/thing in charge.
Favorite Book(s) and why? Clockwork Orange, because it’s so out there and almost shouldn’t be allowed to be published, and yet it is. It’s graphic without loads of description, and a work of genius. Also, the psychology used in the book is wonderful.
Favorite Television Show(s) and why? House, because he and Wilson are snarky love. Grey’s Anatomy, because I think it’s funny and I really do like doctor shows. And finally Fawlty Towers, which isn’t actually ever on tv but I have the box set of dvds and it’s the most hilarious thing since sliced bread (which is funny, if you think about it).
Favorite Food(s) and why? Pad Thai, cause it’s spicy and Asian and you can order chicken with it.
GA Related
Which character (no matter how obscure) would you like to be your best friend? Why? George. Because I think he is a sweetheart and I could trust him with anything. Also, he has a killer sense of humour and I think, even though he is very awkward in some situations, he would be a great friend to have comfort you.
Which character would you like to be involved with romantically? Why? Alex. Oh, I’m going to get shouted at, but I do love him, even though he is mean. I see him as being the sort of bossy boyfriend who is very protective of you, and while you would think that would annoy me, people who intimidate me are very attractive, in my eyes.
Which relationship would you choose out of those on the show? Why? Izzie/Alex, because it is quite cute, in a dysfunctional sort of way.
Digging Deeper
If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do? Kiss the girl I know I love, have sex with someone (possibly the before mentioned girl but also possibly a man I know who I do quite adore), bungee jump, drink a lot of red bull, snort cocaine, get my hands on some weed and get high, try that bike jump I fell off of and am terrified of, take pictures of myself and post them everywhere, spend time with my friends and family doing stupid stuff, fly to Europe…maybe so I die on the plane and can be buried there? Only a day is so little…I wouldn’t sleep for 24 hours, just to try and get everything in. I think I’d leave the airport in Detroit just as I was about to die and pass away mid takeoff. I think that would be kinda kick ass.
Put the following words in order according to your priorities : Self, Money, Love, Power, Family
Honestly? Power, self, family, money, love
Promote the community in one place and show us the link. (promo banners are in the userinfo) (yes, I do have people who view my journal a lot but I most entries are private so I made this one public so you could see it. I think this is the best place for me to advertise it anyway, because most of my friends watch grey’s anatomy)
Vote on atleast one other app. (Just state the name of who you voted on) voted on Kristin
Do you mind what gender you are stamped as? no I do not, as it’s often been stated I should have been a boy, not a girl, and my mere existence is confusing. :p
Anything else you'd like to share with the class?
I am a photo whore. Thus, a photo from my prom:
And of me in a hat, which I love: