The Basics
Name: Anna
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Location: Liverpool UK
Your Weaknesses: Often set impossibly high standards; sometimes tactless; lazy; too proud to ask for help when I need it; self-sabotaging: I make things needlessly difficult for myself; people-pleasing; huge temper when angered or threatened; a little judgemental.
Your Strengths: Compassionate, confident, intelligent, curious, independent, analytical, warm, adaptable.
Your Talents: Naturally musical; great with animals; good at analysing literature; I can form a coherent argument.
Favorite Color(s) and why?
Green: I love being in natural surroundings and green in and of itself is a very calming colour to be around. I especially like muted, olive greens.
Slightly orangey red: a really deep one, possibly because it's Liverpool FC's colour.
Favorite Place(s) and why?
Yorkshire and Derbyshire: The moorland and Pennine mountains in England are where I had holidays as a child and I later lived in a city on the edge of the Peak district when I went to university. I love Bronte country.
Paris: Beautiful, interesting, exciting and sophisticated. I've only been a couple of times but I'd live there if I could.
Favorite Movie(s) and why?
LA Confidential: I love the 50s style and thriller genre, but it also looks gorgeous, is very clever and features so many great performances.
Favorite Book(s) and why?
Pride and Prejudice: Funny, romantic and intelligent.
Favorite Television Show(s) and why?
If I name all my favourites I'll never get through explaining them all so I'll stick with just one.
Firefly: Joss Whedon is a genius, I love everything he's done, but the world and characters of Firefly are extra special. I love the melding of cultures and class clashes and the humour and warmth and danger and everything about it. All hail the Whedonverse!
Favorite Food(s) and why?
Pasta: It's my comfort food. I love it in all its forms.
Chinese: Really tasty but light as well.
Anything lemon-flavoured: I love tangy, citrussy stuff. It's sweet but refreshing as well.
GA Related
Which character (no matter how obscure) would you like to be your best friend? Why?
Izzie. She's bright, friendly, compassionate, enthusiastic and very genuine. She's more positive than I am - I tend towards scepticism - which is a good thing in a friend; she's an idealist, which I love; and she stands up for herself, which I alway respect in someone. Overall I just think she's a great personality to have around.
Which character would you like to be involved with romantically? Why?
I wouldn't kick McVet Finn out of bed. He's the antidote to Derek, who I've never really warmed to. I love animals, he loves animals, and he has that semi-tortured (scary and damaged/dark and twisty) thing going on, but more in a 'hidden depths' kind of way than a 'kill-you-and-leave-your-corpse-to-rot-in-the-basement' way. Which is good. Also? He's hot.
Which relationship would you choose out of those on the show? Why?
Hmm, well, I'm a singleton at heart but I love what Cristina and Burke have going on. I don't open up or trust people easily so I can relate to the trouble Cristina was having with that, and now the two of them seem to have a real bond and understanding.
Digging Deeper
If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do?
I would probably be too in shock to cry and too out of myself to organise my time properly. Plus I wouldn't want to waste time organising or panicking that I couldn't do something. I would spend a lot of the few hours I had with my family, get out into nature, and then skydive without a parachute, making sure I flipped over in the air before I hit the ground so that the last thing I saw was the sky. I hate the idea of my life being out of my hands so I would definitely rather kill myself, if I knew for certain I would die anyway, rather than wait around for it to happen.
Put the following words in order according to your priorities: Self, Money, Love, Power, Family
1) Self: This is easy. I come first no matter what. I care about the world and other people and my family, of course I do, but I am the most important thing in my life. I don't like obligation or making adjustments in my life to suit other people. This is part of the reasons why I've decided not to have children.
2) Love: Coming before family because love to me means compassion, friendship and social conscience, not just romantic or familial love.
3) Family: I'm lucky to have a wonderful one. I wouldn't put my desire for money or power ahead of them. They're intelligent, challenging, compassionate, warm and supportive.
4) Money: I need money to do the things I want to do, which is primarily to see the world. Money means freedom, independence, adventure and comfort.
5) Power: In the real world, I'm not power-hungry. As much as I'd like to be Queen or something, it's a boring kind of power, one that goes hand-in-hand with loneliness and corruption. I'm just not interested. We all have power, power over our own minds, and that's the only kind of power that's real anyway.
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