A Game?

May 06, 2007 12:27

Let's play a "game".

So. I've been watching Grey's all season and am hopeful/sad about the last 2 episodes. And Ive been thinking what i would LIKE to happen and what probably WILL happen in the last 2 weeks.

Now, I've been spoiler free since January (I admit it, i read all the spoilers for the 3-part ferry episodes and realized how much i didnt enjoy watching them b/c i already knew everything that happened; so i just stopped reading spoilers and even stopped watching YouTube trailers) so what ever I think is going to happen is just pure speculation.
So, to everyone out there in grey's-land, WHO IS SPOILER FREE, do you have any thoughts or ideas or just pure wants as to what happens in the last two episodes? I'm really curious as to what everyone else is thinking, so start spilling!

**And one last time, let me please reiterate: This post is for those people who like to stay SPOILER-FREE!!! If You've read spoilers for the last 2 epsiodes, please feel free to read this post, but dont ruin it for those of us who'd like to be suprised!!! So, if anyone's predictions come true, then it should be by pure coquiendence ONLY**
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