i fucking sat here for like two minutes trying to figure out what that name meant, and was about to settle on "manjae" being some sort of weird japanese word, until it FINALLY dawned on me. i fail.
this also happened before actually, some girl had a screen name "emomeallover" (emo me all over) and i always thought it was "emo meal lover" and i was like, wtf, that's dumb. until i eventually found out..
ha! i personally would've preferred emo meal lover. or emo_meal_lover, that's great. also...i'm very staunchly against the fangirl/fanboy phenomenon. so no worries about me having some sort of anime inspired username.
Comments 7
thanks for adding me on your old livejournal only to make a new one. thanks a lot.
this also happened before actually, some girl had a screen name "emomeallover" (emo me all over) and i always thought it was "emo meal lover" and i was like, wtf, that's dumb. until i eventually found out..
also...i'm very staunchly against the fangirl/fanboy phenomenon. so no worries about me having some sort of anime inspired username.
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