eigenvalue is absolutely correct: a lot of guilt goes into being a grad student. right now that guilt is twisting my stomach and making me feel sick because I have way too much work to do before leaving for Boston on Tuesday -_______-; I don't feel guilty all the time (see happy entry below) -- but soon that may be the case! was planning to leave laptop and schoolwork back here (except for reading, which I can bring on the iPhone; yes, thank you, GoodReader app). but fuck it all, I may be heading to Grand Rapids for a couple of days after Boston, which means no time to work, so I guess working on the plane is now a great idea.
on the other hand, two great things that happened today:
image one: we attempted to be lumberjacks this morning, whacking down buckthorn and honeysuckle. physical work's great for instant gratification. unfortunately my left arm couldn't figure out how to maneuver the saw in cooperation with my right arm, so for the next couple of weeks my right bicep will be conspicuously larger than my left. also, I found a decent plaid flannel shirt -- but had shed it by the time this photo was taken, so no legit ecologist appeal.
image two: delivered evolution talk tonight. it was a bit lengthy, to my embarrassment -- and I nearly ruined the white-board by writing in permanent marker -- but people seemed to like the material overall. as a record of their new evolutionary learnings, my housemates drew a Food Ziggurat, which just happens to contain several of my favorite things. there's a coelacanth, a Jigglypuff, dinosaurs (including Raptor Jesus) -- even a chik patty! a meteor's even posited to kill off the dinosaurs. I am so proud.