Never took this road before

May 29, 2011 23:45

Who: Fire and whoever finds her
What: Fire has just rerezzed to the Grid and needs a few things explaining
When: Before this End of Line post
Where: An unstable area on the outskirts of Tron City
Warnings: None for now, will update if that changes

Fire could feel her pixels separating as the Guard's orange disc sliced through her chest, her coding ceasing to answer to her demands. As she fell backwards, it seemed that the Grid had gone into slow motion. The numbness reached her head . . .

. . . and she landed on hard ground, her body entirely solid and undamaged. The impact scrambled her circuits for a moment, and she lay there half-stunned. I . . . but . . . what . . where . . .

When she tried to move, she found that something had drained her of a lot of her energy. She wasn't in imminent danger of derezzing, but movement was a struggle. With effort, she managed to sit up and look around.

The view that greeted her was almost as much of a shock to her system as the fall had been. It was the same sector, and she'd lay good odds on it being exactly the same coordinates. But this . . . where were the Guards they'd been fighting? Where were her teammates? Surely she couldn't have offlined long enough for them to finish the battle and leave? And the buildings . . . they were damaged, unstable, partly from neglect and partly from what appeared to be an explosion. Her programming chimed at her to fix the problem, but she stopped herself. If she repaired this place now, she'd have no energy left to run her own functions.

Staggering to her feet, Fire began to take unsteady steps towards an area that she sensed was more stable.

lizor (disc_warrior), !open, location: tron city, yori (yorisearching), fire (firefixit)

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