ei tan surtit fotos xulas! i aket labrador sembla el drac *peroeldracesmesmonoclar* jeje Very nice pal! although..you're a weirdo! ;P Jo ara men vag a veure Heroes abnas d k arribin mons pares amb mon avia i etc.
"then we'll all get up and it will be ANARCHY!" (related to icon which is a fandom collision between HOuse and the Breakfast Club)
Nena, no has contestat e-mails ni has dit res en tot el dia! :( Ha vingut la Julia avui a casa un rato a la tarda, ho sabies? Hem vist videos de youtube i xerrat i pim pam. Molt bé de fet! ;D
Comments 4
Very nice pal! although..you're a weirdo! ;P
Jo ara men vag a veure Heroes abnas d k arribin mons pares amb mon avia i etc.
"then we'll all get up and it will be ANARCHY!" (related to icon which is a fandom collision between HOuse and the Breakfast Club)
Nena, no has contestat e-mails ni has dit res en tot el dia! :( Ha vingut la Julia avui a casa un rato a la tarda, ho sabies? Hem vist videos de youtube i xerrat i pim pam. Molt bé de fet! ;D
See you soon! (I hope...)
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