Title: Symphony of Memories Genre: Angst Rating: G Characters: The usual suspects :) Words: ~1400 Summary: Castle pays tribute to Johanna Beckett and along the way, he finds acceptance. AU
Yesss, caffeine. I thought it appropriate that Jim, who has all the experience losing the people he loves, be the one helping Castle come to terms with her death... or something like that :P
bahaha, i gasped (on a semi packed train no less) when i realised who u killed off. I suppose writing ''character death'' in the summary as a warning may have been a bit of a give away.
I have to admit though i found the latter part of Castle at the podium funny, whether it was meant to be or not i wasn't sure... Thanks for sharin ur caffinated rant though!
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I have to admit though i found the latter part of Castle at the podium funny, whether it was meant to be or not i wasn't sure... Thanks for sharin ur caffinated rant though!
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