NAME: Doctor Isaac James Griffin
NICKNAME: Isaac, Doc
AGE: 32
BIRTHDATE: December 24, 1975
HOMETOWN: West Hollywood, California
LOCATION: Carnegie Hill (Upper East Side), Manhattan, New York
OCCUPATION: Head Massage Therapist, Springs Wellness Center, Upper East Side
TALE: The Mouse from Aesop's Fable
ABILITY? None. But he's good at thinking ways to get himself out of trouble, especially when it comes to times where he has to fight physically. He also tends to shy away from situations that are dangerous or would get him in trouble, though trouble always seems to prey on him anyways. In these situations, he's good at finding out the best exit strategy.. and quickly.
RELATION TO TALE: Just like the Mouse, Isaac seems to always be in trouble. He avoids it with all of his might but trouble seems to follow him. In this life, it's the reincarnation of the Lion that seems to be the trouble that follows him. He doesn't like to do things that dangerous and while he doesn't run away and hide like a mouse, he tries to get out of them. He has an uncanny ability to get out of slippery situations or talk his way out of things and he always sticks to his word. The Mouse never had any particular powers but Isaac and the Tale connect well and his personality embodies the mouse and how it would act. He's been in taledom for a long time so he's had a while to get used to being a Tale.
TALE STATUS: He's not exactly wearing an 'I'm The Mouse' sticker on his shirt everyday but if you ask, he'll tell.
Just like his tale, Isaac has always avoided dangerous or troublesome situation and true to the stories, trouble always seems to follow him anyways. It's that inevitable part of his tale that no matter how much he tried to avoid it, there was no possible way to do so. As a young child he was always preyed upon and who else was it but the Lion who protected him. In the end though, he always found some way to get himself (and others, ahem, such as the Lion) out of bad situations and no matter how bad his situations got, Isaac always seemed to prevail in the end. Situations like these are a recurrent cycle in his life, one that has been going on since childhood.
He's lazy which is reflective in everything he does. Sometimes it's for the good and sometimes for the bad. His business is perfect for his lazy, laid-back attitude. Isaac would've never survived in a regular work environment with deadlines and stress and demanding clients and bosses. He probably would've suffered an early mid-life crisis. On the other hand, it's his downfall. Paying bills late, uncleaned houses, etc seem to be quite normal in his life. He considers himself lucky that he can pay someone to pay his place and has learned his lesson when his ex-wife introduced him to automatic bill pay. He always sets impossible standards for himself and sets him up for miserable failure. When the going gets difficult, Isaac tends to want to run away, a natural instinct. It's the downfall of most of his relationships and ultimately, his marriage.
He's always been a ladies's man, since he was young. He can't figure out what attracts women to him, whether it be his charm or his charisma. He's never been without a girlfriend or a date and he's notorious for girl-hopping and leaving behind a trail of broken hearts. He doesn't mean to, it's just a natural instinct for him. Generally, Isaac is a nice, charming guy. He knows how to chat up women while smoothly grabbing two glasses of champagne off of a passing waiter's tray. His ability to multitask puts him at a definite advantage in the dating game cause he has been known here and there to occasionally date multiple women. He jokingly refers to them as his 'Harem.' He has unfailing honesty that makes it almost impossible for him to lie. Yes, he will chat up an attractive girl, but get him to break up with his latest fling and he has a problem. He can't for the life of him lie, hence why he'd be a bad cheater because he'd immediately feel guilty and want to rat himself out. His default honesty can often be frustrating beyond belief. The most important thing in his life is his little girl, Alexa Jo and he'd do almost anything to protect her from the dangers of the world.
FATHER: Stuart Griffin
MOTHER: Marcie Griffin, nee Bahd
CHILDREN: Alexa Josephine Griffin, 5 [
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December 24, 1976 was a blazing hot day in Tuscon, Arizona when Isaac James Griffin was born. His parents Stuart and Marcie Griffin were a poor couple who had a lucky break when Stuart was hired by complete chance by a CEO looking for an apprentice. Stuart had the appropriate background in Business Management and took the opportunity. Five years later, he'd moved up as Vice-President of the company. To celebrate, he moved his family to Los Angeles.. more specifically West Hollywood where he headed his own branch of the company, a successful advertising marketing company catering to big names such as Pepsi, Nike, etc.
Isaac grew up comfortably, his parents always pushing him to do his best. He went to a good school where he met his current best friend and fellow tale, Adam Raines. Adam always looked out for him because for some unknown reason, trouble always followed Isaac no matter how much he tried to avoid it. But he could always find some way to get out of that trouble. Little did he know that his friend was a Tale as well. It was when Isaac was ten that he was approached by someone from the Pen with a journal and explanation for his bad luck. He was in shock at first. The Mouse? Aesop's Tales? He'd loved those as a kid. But to be a reincarnation of one? And the Mouse of all the tales he could've been reincarnated as? Couldn't he have been something cooler? It was also explained that he had a sort of Fairy Tale sense where he could sense other tales around him. They left with one last thought for young Isaac, pay careful attention to your Tale sense because you never know who is one. With that hint, Isaac went on, Compendium in hand, looking at everyone differently. Who else could be a tale but him?? He was the only strange child in his school. Little did he know his best friend Adam Raines was also a reincarnation of a Tale, the Lion, which he supposed made sense. They didn't know this but the two had been practically told about each other and it took some dancing around and some weird experiencing of the Tale sense before finally, they both figured it out. And didn't it make perfect sense? Plus Isaac had an explanation of all the weird dreams and flashbacks he'd been having and why there was a Lion in them. Suddenly, Isaac didn't feel quite so alone anymore.
Even in elementary school, Isaac had always been some what of a heart throb. So as he went on into junior high (because middle school didn't exist back then) and then into high school, he was never without a girlfriend. He was what some people would call a serial dater. Isaac floated through high school not exactly sure what he wanted to do with his life. He wasn't terribly motivated and he was always more interested in girls and being popular then doing well in school. He was an average student, getting C's for the most part and when everyone was busting their asses applying for colleges, he was still messing around. Graduation was a reality check for Isaac Griffin. He didn't know what to do with his life now. Adam was going off to UC Berkeley and he wasn't sure what he could do. The only things he was good with was his hands!
Then it occured to him; massage therapy! He didn't realize what a long, winding road that would take him on. He ended up losing all contact with his friends, first floundering around at El Camino College for a year before getting a certificate at Everest College in Massage Therapy. Though he wanted more. He didn't want to work in a spa and massage fat, sweaty men. He wanted to run his own business. So with his certification in hand, he went back to El Camino College to get an AA and then transfer to UC Irvine. Finally he was getting his act together. Getting an MBA there, he went on to Boston University, which was a big change from California. It was in the process of getting his B.S/Doctorate in Physical Therapy that he met his wife Bridget. Vivacious, blonde and beautiful, she was the ultimate girl to Isaac. She was smart (getting her doctorate in Biological Science), sassy, and funny and really the only girl who gave him a good chase. He lost all interest in other women and married her. She had to be the one! Taking her back to California after they both completed school, it was here that they started trying for a kid. Along came charming little Alexa Jo Griffin. She was a delight from the start and it was around this time that Isaac started up his own physical therapy business located in Beverly Hills. Business was booming, Bridget was wonderful and Alexa was his little princess. It wasn't until Alexa turned about three that problems started up in Isaac and Bridget's marriage.
Isaac's business seemed to attract a lot of young, good-looking women who needed a massage from Dr. Griffin and Bridget didn't like that at all. Isaac was completely innocent and he'd only laid hands on these women in a professional way. But Bridget didn't believe him. She began to pick fights over little things and soon they started to fight over Isaac being too busy for his family, finances, and Alexa. This went on for another year or two before finally, Isaac couldn't take it anymore. He had to get out of this suffocating marriage any way he could and that was only possible through divorce. He just didn't love his wife anymore. Isaac couldn't understand what had happened to his cheerful, classy and sassy wife that he'd fallen in love with. She'd turned into this green-eyed, possessive monster and Isaac didn't quite get that. Explaining the divorce to his four-year old was a tough one. Finally, the papers went through and the two were divorced, Isaac moving out and letting Bridget keep the house. But she wasn't done yet. She petitioned for sole custody of Alexa Jo, causing a big fight to erupt between the two of them. He had every right to see his child and Bridget was so spiteful over their divorce that she wanted to keep their daughter all to herself. Throughout this entire battle, there were many times where Isaac wanted to just give up. Bridget had insisted that upon receiving sole custody of Alexa Jo, she was moving back to her hometown, NYC.
It was solely Isaac's mouse-like tendencies that made him want to stay away from the trouble that was this custody battle between he and his ex-wife and Adam who kept him in check about it. Skip ahead a couple of months to the end of the custody battle. The ruling? Partial custody with favor towards the mother, meaning Bridget was allowed to move to New York if she wanted to. And she did. If Isaac wanted to see Alexa, then he had to follow, lest never see Alexa except for holidays. So he had to close down his business in Los Angeles and relocate it to New York City, opening up a branch on the Upper East Side where he's had great success so far.
Isaac lives his life one day at a time, but it is definitely in the fast lane. He's been in NYC for about two years now. He owns a house on Staten Island that he lives in on weekends and occasionally during the week when he needs to get away from the city life, but for the most part, lives in a pent house in Manhattan. He also has a boat that he loves to take Alexa Jo out on. He likes to have a good time and since the divorce of he and his wife, he has never been without a new date or girlfriend. He still gets to see his daughter every other week and splits holidays with his ex-wife. Bridget still seems to carry a torch for Isaac and tries everything in her power to torture him when it comes to things like Alexa or anything else but Isaac doesn't really care. As long as he gets his daughter when it's his turn, then he's good. Bridget is still bitter about their marriage ending and tends to get spiteful with Isaac, especially turning her hatred on Adam, whom she also does not like. Alexa seems to favor her dad and "Uncle Adam" more.
WEIGHT: 170 lbs
BUILD: Solid
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
DRESS: Professional, but laid-back
STATUS: Divorced (Formerly married to Bridget Fitzgerald) [
TURN-ONS: Blondes. Brunettes. Vivacity. Spunk. Dominating girls.
TURN-OFFS: Neediness.
livin' on a prayer, BON JOVI
expectancePLAYED-BY: Patrick Dempsey
DISCLAIMER: Not Patrick Dempsey, no matter how pretty he is. Isaac Griffin is my creation. The Mouse belongs to Mr. Aesop. Icons made by hotdamn_icons@GJ and soconvinced@IJ