Jan 04, 2007 09:23
2006: The DNC stated they would be bi-partisan once the new congress was in session.
Today: The DNC is not allowing any Republican to amend ANY legislation in the first 100 hrs of the new congress.
I wish I could say I was surprised.
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Comments 12
Oh well.. it's a viscious cycle that probably won't ever be broken till the green party or independants win more, and even THEN, eventually, they will be assimilated into the one single party line bullshit we have now.
Should the Democrats also do it? No.
But the Republicans, when confronted with this FACT and asked if their complaints were hypocritical, refused to answer directly and simply said the Democrats were wrong to do it without addressing their own complicity in said wrongness.
Bash the Democrats? Fine. But at least be fair about it ;).
Oh and I wouldn't look for balance in my bashing, I have a bias, admit to said bias, and flont said bias when I chose to speak on it. ;)
They were mentioning today on (NPR) the radio that there was a time when they held the vote open for three hours (rather than the usual 15 minutes) so that they (the republicans) could sway some of the opposing republicans (opposing the republican legislation, to be exact) so that a "no" vote became a "yea" vote overall. It was pretty grim. Let me look up the link. By tradition, they only hold the vote open for 15 minutes.
Oh- and the Democrats can SAY they won't allow any Republicans to have input, but the reality is a very different thing. The way it was phrased in the original speech was that they wouldn't allow the Republicans to tack on any additional legislation to those bills that the Democrats theoretically ran on. You know, like setting up to increase the minimum wage, but only if you give a tax break to "small business owners" like, say, Texaco or something. (That happens to be one that George Bush the current is pushing right now)
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