tis been a great day...
it would seem that my october excursion to aggie island will have to be pushed back. i accidentally rear ended some one (Sif i would do it on purpose), but he didnt care, so im aight with the insurance part. but i did some damage to my radiator, and now i cant drive it but a few minutes at a time. i cant get it fixed cheap, but its going to take a couple of weeks before i have time to do it (my friend has a collision repair friend who is going to let me use his shop and tools on a weekend so as not to charge me labor =)). so unless the second weekend in oct is free for me, i wont be going anytime in october. but the good thing is....well, there is no good things besides the insurance.
gtg study for a quiz tomorrow morning before i go out of town for the weekend. wish me luck and prey for me truck. err...pray, that is. haha