
Dec 05, 2004 04:59

What would it feel like to be decapitated?

Well, first lets go through the strokes (no pun intended). When the head is cut off, the receptor nerves of the neck would feel the pain of being severed by the instrument. Immediately following is the dull thud of the instrument striking bone, the upper neck vertebrae. Once the bone is breached, the spinal cord is severed, first the myelin sheath, then the nerve. The exiting of the instrument is pretty much the same as the entrance, but with friction from the instrument drawing across the already cleaved area.

Once the impact is over, the instantaneous sensations of the blow subside almost as quickly as they came, and the brain most likely goes into shock. If the brain, however, did not go into shock, then it might stay conscious for a few dozen seconds, maybe even minutes, before death ensues. Since the lungs are no longer useful, there would be no scream, but surely the mouth muscles would go through the instinctive motions of screaming. The eyes would probably roll back into the head from the shear pain, and black out would come next.

Since the body has been truncated from the electronic highway of the brain stem, messages being sent to the body would be lost, or the loose ends of the reception nerve cells would pick up on these messages and send them back confusing the brain. From what we know of amputated limbs, and how ghost sensations can sometimes be felt from a newly severed ligament, its possible that the brain will just perceive that the entire body, instead of not being there, is in immense pain all over. Since we know that immense pain can cause black outs, this is probably the reason why the brain goes into shock--pain sensory overload. It is quite possible that the last minutes of a life in this situation is spent in black nothingness, before the actual big, black nothingness.

Mere speculation.

A brother of the fraternity has passed away. His name was Brad Hill, and he was our chapter advisor, probably the best damn advisor that you could have. May he rest in peace in those hallowed chapter halls of the great beyond.

Just for those who are wondering, the morbid decapitation thoughts and Brad Hill's death have nothing to do with each other, just an ill timed conincident.

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