Bleh, I accidently saved over my last post draft, and I lost a fandom meme I was doing... I don't feel like rewriting it yet, so I suppose I'll answer the questions I missed on that daily writing meme I was planning on doing!
1. Tell us about your favorite writing project/universe that you've worked with and why.
Well... I've been trying to seriously write since I was what, like, 10, so I've have a lot of universes.... but, I guess, the most obvious choice would be the unnamed world that my current project is set in. I used to call it Treed, but because it's changed so dramatically since I started, I haven't thought up a name yet since I'm terrible at creating country and place names.
Anyway, it originally had three stories in it, but since then it's been cut down to one. I guess I just got bored with the others and/or stuck with the plots, so I've been writing the first story of the three for about... 3-4 years now.
This current project... Promethio... why is it my favourite? Well, I've been working on it for the longest, and I really feel like it has the potential to become something pretty epic. The character's are like my little brain babies/muses and the plot gives me a lot to work with... I've had people comment on how charismatic the main characters are, so I must be doing something right. I'll admit, I'm proud of the story and of them.
2. How many characters do you have? Do you prefer males or females?
Shitloads. I have an addiction to creating new characters on the spot. There's just so many types of people, and I want to explore them all!
In Promethio, I have three main characters, and two secondary characters who are still mains, I suppose. I just haven't developed them as much.
I prefer writing men more. I'm not even sure why, I just guess I find that I like making strong personalities for them. My female characters tend to be a bit bland, though I'm trying to remedy that. The main female character from Promethio... I'm becoming really attached to her.
3. How do you come up with names, for characters (and for places if you're writing about fictional places)?
Character names come easily for me. I've always believed that names are merely a tag for someone and shouldn't have anything to do with their personality or appearance (afterall, a parent has no idea what their child will turn out like as an adult, so unless the character named themselves, it's not like the name should reflect them in any deep way). I just choose something that sounds interesting and run with it.
Place names are a lot harder, guh. I have a terrible time trying to think of countries and things. :(
4. Tell us about one of your first stories/characters!
One of my first big stories was cowritten with an old friend in primary school (that's, what, elementary school to Americans?). My character was a mage called Dallamar who was almost burnt at the stake because of his magic practice (I was a pleasant child, yup), and he ended up getting caught up in some kind of evil overlord things with a thief girl who was the friend's character.
It's been scrapped for years and I don't have any intention of continuing with the character, since at the time he was more like a fandom oc that anything, but it was fun while it lasted, I suppose.
5. By age, who is your youngest character? Oldest? How about “youngest” and “oldest” in terms of when you created them?
Errrmm I suppose youngest would be Eric - I still haven't decided on an age for him, since he's more of an idea than a developed character, but he's probably from 11-14. Eric was diagnosed with schizophrenia when he was small because he's convinced that his invisible friend is real; said invisible thing being a speechless apparition who has been dogging his steps his entire life - his doppelganger. All it does is stand close to him, staring, never saying anything except otherworldly chitter and shrieks, jerking and fitting spontaniously. It also happens to be the closest thing Eric has to a friend, and it also happens to be real and not a delusion. Too bad nobody but him can see it.
I'm not sure who the oldest would be.... I would probably have to say Promethius, though he doesn't really count in the conventional sense. Promethius is a sentient spirit from the underworld who is an almalgamation of memories and life force from dead souls. He's probably a couple of thousand years old, though when he exactly became sentient is unknown.
6. Where are you most comfortable writing? At what time of day? Computer or good ol' pen and paper?
In my room, on my computer, with warm orange light, a clean desk, music playing, usually in the afternoon or night. I'm really picky about mood and environment - probably a reason I never get any actual writing done.
It's impossible for me to write on paper, because I'm really anal retentive about editing. I just can't write well on paper ughhh.
7. Do you listen to music while you write? What kind? Are there any songs you like to relate/apply to your characters?
ffffff yes, music plays a massive part for both my muse and story. I have a playlist dedicated to Promethio and I always listen to it for inspiration. Usually the lyrics relate to the characters, but sometimes it's just about the music itself or the voice of the singer (I love it when a vocalist fits the voice that I imagine for the character). I'm always on the lookout for more songs to add to the list.
As for genre, it's pretty much a mix of everything, mostly centred around alternative/progressive rock. Maynard James Keenan (of Tool, A Perfect Circle and Puscifer fame) dominates the list, because he creates amazing music that suits the story in both tone and lyrics and I his voice is the voice of my main character, Elepon, in my head.
Passive, by A Perfect Circle, is one of the most relatable songs; then there's
Everybody Knows That You're Insane - Queens of the Stone Age, and
H. - Tool, oh and
Weak and Powerless from A Perfect Circle again. Damn you Maynard and your wonderful music.