Round 2 is now open on DW, and Round 1 is CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS but otherwise staying as it is on LJ. If you want to fill a Round 1 post on DW, please repost the prompt on DW and reply to the original prompt here with a link to the DW thread.
To Round 2!
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Dude, I was just going to leave the posts be and disable comments - but then I realise disabling future comments disappear past ones, so I settled for freezing.
...and in respect to people who want to keep playing with the meme on LJ, for some reason (layout?), I'll unfreeze everything on Jan 15th? ...but I think a frozen period would be a good alert to Hey It's On DW now.
Hmmmm, really wish there was a way for comments that are posted to DW to be automatically crossposted back to LJ too, they have this feature for posts. DW > LJ, but I like the idea of having back up copies. Remember when The Greatest Journal went down? It took down the hilarious OMG Naruto RP.
The staff of DW have been swell, but in case their company go down, it'll be sad if authors who have put so much effort into their fills have it go up with smoke with the DW site. Ditto for if LJ decide to finally abort everything fandom (remember when deleted NC-17?), so copies copies copies.
I'm still tracking both sides, so I just update any fills that happens over here on DW. Seems to be working for the most part!
That would be incredible! But it would probably be really hard to implement. Ugh, I heard about that happening with Greatest Journal, which is why I've stayed on LJ for so long. BUT THIS IS REALLY TOO MUCH, LJ.
DW has been around for quite a while now, though! And they've been really conservative with the way they've let themselves grow, so I have faith in them. LJ NOT SO MUCH. YOU'RE RIGHT. I should definitely back everything up at least. Remember that whole Innocence Jihad (or whatever it was) blowup and LJ deleted pornishpixies? UGH LJ YOU SUCK.
My major beef as a major geek girl is scans_daily, though most of my anger there is directed towards Peter David, I don't care what he's doing with Shatterstar, I'm tuning out.
Scans_daily served a community base that was not served by the marketing or editorial decisions of Marvel and DC Comics. A community - largely of women - that would rather buy comics at Barnes & Nobles than go to the stereotypical comic shop where it was dirty and they’d get leered at or have their tastes mocked. Peter David took down that community in a way that was not 100% professional, and his behavior there and on other boards has caused me to lose respect for him
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