My favorite vacation was probably the one I took with my family a few years ago, it was my first trip to Europe and it was amazing and fun. We went around Spain, Italy, and a bit of France.
I think by the end I really loved Italy. I love the language, the food, and the places we visited.
Venice was amazing but there were so many people around that I only appreciated it after everyone went back to their hotels. It was really amazing walking around when it was quiet.
In Florence we had a really amazing tour guide, he told us the story about the assassination of Giuliano de' Medici and the extremely bloody aftermath.
But it wasn't just that I went to Europe that was amazing it was, also because it was the company.
The vaction was actually our family trip celebrating my grandmother's 80th birthday so it was the whole barangay, all in all from uncles, aunts and my cousins our total number was twenty-eight.
Imagine traveling with that big of a group, you'd think by the end of it we'd be sick of each other but instead it was the most awesome bonding experience.
We didn't want it to end!
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