Half the cabins are out of commission and more are struggling to clean up...and yet no one has come to visit me, even to use the bathroom. I feel hurt
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Sure, that's a likely reason. Of course no one is avoiding me. That would be crazy, wouldn't it. Just because I in in one of the few cabins where people could come visit and get cleaned up while the restorations are in progress, naturally they'd rather go in the bushes.
Ah, gomen. I've been stuck in the forge lately, but I'd be happy to take the offer of a functioning, non-flooded bathroom to clean up in. Thanks so much, Ibu-kun!
You know, that sounds really nice. I'll bring some food with me, so we're not drinking on empty stomachs. (It might be fine for you, but probably not for me)
People blame me for all sorts of things that aren't my doing or my fault. It really isn't fair, but what can I do? They don't listen when I tell them that I can't be held responsible for other people's actions, even when they do crazy things. I'm not the only source of crazy behavior, after all. Nor is my father, because you aren't his son, either. Which is kind of too bad, because you'd be a far more interesting brother than some. But it isn't up to me, is it?
Comments 10
A little insulted, maybe.
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