I see you shiver with anticipation *smugly giggles*
The Men who made my 2010 <3
1)Johnny Depp
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I will forever find him hot and sexy and all things synonymous with the words that make him a ****ing sex god :D. I saw The Tourist and honestly isn't as bad as people said it is. I'll make a post later on why I think people didn't like it...Expect it to be possibly the funniest rant ever. Anyways He made my 2010 with all this news finally coming out. I also realized in 2011 I'm completely screwed over for like really. I think I'll be in the theater more times than I ever been in my life XD.
2)Atsushi Sakurai
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With Buck Tick finally coming back this year(Memento Mori was okay but that really wasn't the boys in full swing) How the hell would I not put Acchan on this damn list. Razzle Dazzle was ****ing brilliant. That and I approve of Acchan's major change with the really short hair @___@ (I know I was shocked too when I saw it. I couldn't believe my eyes that he went that short, but it works none the less.)The fact that he's going to be kicking a lot of ass to close this year and the start of the next. It's impossible for him to not be here on this list. Like for freaking real :D.
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GACKT actually did a lot this year @__@. Voice overs, Concerts, fund raising, and acting. I felt very relieved in a sense. He's freaking back and he's better than ever. The fact that he was in Canada and showed up in TIFF for the premiere of his international movie debut Buranku in which he's getting praised for being badass. Seriously though I really hope I can see this movie.....Y__Y I've been waiting since 16 in high school and now I'm already going into my second semester for college @__@ please come soon damn it!!!! lol
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Let's give it to the guy who took my J-Rock Virginity away. *Claps* I saw him live with Vamps this year and I completely take back everything bad I said about him. I'm completely rendered speechless. He's freaking 100x more amazing live. Also got a couple of giggles out of him and we even got a Pika pi out of him too. We also got a lot of smiles :D. To be honest I don't regret that I went to the show last minute. It was an experience of a life time and it was freaking awesome ^__^
5)Tomo Asaha
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The utterly totally dorky Tomo from Echostream. I swear to you when I met him and seriously *thud* I was extremely shy about seeing him. But I was really hyper when my friends were like Tomo's at the booth. *Taps fingers* Anyways...but the more time we were there the more crazier we became and we had a blast :D. I still laugh about Chinese menus when I get one from a restaurant. I also blush about the fact he remembered me tagging him on facebook and he wrote back :D.
6)David Bowie
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DUDE LIKE WHY THE HELL SHOULD I NOT PUT HIM ON THIS LIST!!!!! Bowie is Bowie and by all means he has every freaking right to be amazingly awesome. I must admit I didn't start to appreciate his music up until recently. But holy crap he's an amazing song writer. Yes The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust is an awesome album but for real he has soooooo many under appreciated albums like Man who Sold the World, Hours..., Heroes, Reality and Space Oddity. (There's only 2 albums I honestly believe of his that deserve the hype they get which are Scary Monsters and Station to Station) It also helps that he's the main influence to some of the guys above (POINTS AT HYDE, ACCHAN, AND GACKT) Also his freaking Voice is a ****ing Amazing when he talks.
7)Alan Rickman
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As much as I love Snape from Potter(I didn't get back into Potter until recently. Because I had to explain the storyline to my brother... long story short. I ended up defending Snape like I always do because my brother thinks he's a dick...>__>) I think Alan's best role is the Metatron. If you haven't seen Dogma, watch it!!!!It's pretty old but shit it's still funny XP. That and I love his damn sarcastic nature. I honestly think he's very under appreciated as an actor. He's not just you're typical British asshole(Which he plays in about 60% of the movies he's been....>__>) He's got quiet a sense of humor as well. I'd also pay him to freakin read every single Shakespeare play I have to read from now until the end of my college career cause his voice is just made for Shakespeare. Also if they just happen to have him do the audiobook for the Potter books I will buy them all XD
8)Robert Downey Jr
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What's not to like about RDJ....He's freaking hilarious. Yes his past is crazy but Jesus the past is the past. He's one of those guys that even though he seems to look like he has a big ego. He's extremely genuine. Yeah we only had Iron Man 2 which was extremely awesome and I still haven't seen Due Date..(I really wanna go see it Y__Y) I mean what he has planned for the next couple of years. The Avengers (I'm also expecting cameos in Captain America and Thor. Like for real if you want Tony to be a Consultant for the Avengers project he better cameo in these two movies) Also next year is the release for the new Sherlock Holmes movie....:D Finally the game is a foot XP. So another reason to be souped for next year.
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D had a slow year. I must admit 7th Rose wasn't a bad CD for their second major release though it was a major downgrade from Genetic World. Their look drastically changed and a lot of their fans well from over here had a lot to say about it. Of course D started to release new singles quickly afterward. I actually liked the new singles, the videos though I could be a hell of a lot more vocal on(Except for In the Name of Justice). Then they announced that D was going to release a new CD in January and they were going to release their cover of Malice's Gekka no Yasoukyoku <3. Honestly I'm very excited about it. Cause finally the age long question of who has the better voice can be answered...GACKT or Asagi XD.
Well that's it. There's only 9 guys. For real just 9 guys and I know they're mostly Japanese or English people XD. But seriously these were my major male influences for 2010. No more no less. The rest would be bands you know like Buck Tick, D, Versailles, Vamps, Dir En Grey, and Big Bang...Even the cast from Glee XD. My girly side hit a new extreme this year but even then I'm....still me. Next list will be about the video games of this year. Going to enjoy cracking my favorite games of this year :D