Mar 27, 2010 19:21
Why is it Nature's perfect food?
Mar 13, 2010 10:43
Yes... I'm discovering that pets (especially dogs) do know when their loved one is not around.
Having to care for my Mother's dog, while she and a brother are on vacation in Mexico, I've found out she pines for my Mom.
Poor thing... Hugging her, petting her, making her feel loved is all I can do for the 4-legged wonder. She misses my Mom.
Feb 23, 2010 21:51
Most of the hair that needs to remain can end up on the floor!
Thank goodness for hats.
Feb 01, 2010 23:10
I was out and about today, and nearly bought some new canvas'.
Then I stopped, pondered, and said to myself, "I have to have other canvas' around."
Sure enough... I had six canvas' in storage (including one long one). I'm happy... No extra funds to spend.
That ability to save money sure helps these days.