i've given up a long time ago, and i was happy..the feeling of having so many options was just too liberating, and the mere thought of the vast possibities and opportunities was overwhelming..it was fun
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i watched ice age 3 twice this week..i had to watch it again coz i wanted to try ice age 3 in 3D....hehehehe....sure barwin, keep telling yourself that..hahaha! neway, there was something different about daph today....hmmm
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i actually had to see it to believe it! dean ulan wasn't just giving us b.s. when he talked about george washington's rules on civility and decent behavior!!! dig this
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you seem so near yet so far!!! and so the countdown begins....
***meetings left:
crim- 5 obli- 7 admin- 3 p.i.l.- 2 sem- no more =)
***so that's 17 classes left....then of course, the final exams....then....VOILA!!! c'est tout!!! summer V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N naaaaaaaAaaaaaa!!! can't wait!!! =P
it's been rather cold for the past couple of days....actually weeks....very unusual for a place like Metro Manila..but hey!i'm not complaining!i love the weather
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