well considering since i asked if it was kidnapping..i feel personally attacked by this but whatever. i was just simply asking. and since I'm NOT educated in this, that's why I was asking. chill your beans..dont get your panties in a twist.
nope. u simply asked IS it kidnapping if he is with his mother, so I explained why it is kidnapping. the people who are telling me it ISN'T kidnapping is who i was "attacking" if you want to call it that.
I 100% agree with you. She surely knows how to act like a 16 year old too! "Oh boo hoo my ex has a new g/f I'll show him" "I'll take our son away so he can never see him" She's real mature. If she honestly thinks she's mature she is sadly mistaken. A child is not something you use to get back at ppl with. It is a living breathing human being and has emotions and thoughts just like an adult. For a fact this kids is probably scared out of his mind, wondering why his mommy is such a fucking nut! Gaurenteed he's scared out of his mind and wants his daddy cos in his mind thats what he knows is right. Being with daddy.
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