school started on monday. ohmygod lol i was so confused on the first day. i was calling rob pretty much every passing period. the second day was much easier
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pooh...i dont get to go see Taking Back Sunday cuz they're playing on a tuesday when schools in. stupid pissfarts playing on a tuesday. oh...butt rape...pssh
Snow White opens tonight. EEK! i hope all goes well. this one's a lot better than The Hobbit, that show was just horrible. Although, Snow White still has it's corny moments. but it's nothing compared to Gandalf's exit
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THANK YOU KT!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! *loves her journal*
for those of you who dont no who is all of you, kt just made my journal all prettyful so thats why im thanking thanking thanking her. THANK YOU KT!!!!!!
emotions suck. they're not fun at all. so much has happened since thursday. its insane. and im not gonna post it all but god they suck
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