With luck

May 01, 2007 13:37

OBSTACLE #1: I showed up for my journalism exam this morning 20 minutes late. I thought nothing of it, because I usually come in somewhere around 30-40 minutes late. Getting oneself to an 8 a.m. class whilst depending on fair-weather buses necessitates this type of lateness.

I walk in, (apparently, I strolled) see a bunch of people already ( Read more... )

mile swim, apple juice, lateness

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Comments 1

apple juice leopardandlamb May 14 2007, 20:08:20 UTC
that's funny because i was calling apple juice "piss water" the other day, as i always do, because i can't stand it and it reeks of some animal's urine. the point here is i instantly thought of donald and how offended he'd get every time i blasphemed his precious juice in study hall. that kid. what a wacko.


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