So, I recently borrowed a camera to take footage at FC and TFF. Grabbed a canon Vixia HV30 from work for FC and an HV20 from a friend for TFF. Now, few reasons why I moved on to video. Out of a lot of my friends, I was one of the first to pounce on a DSLR, an old Canon 300D/Digital Rebel. Soon after, all my friends started getting newer cams (XSi,
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I'd still like to say if you're so worried about gear, it's not the megapizzixels that count, it's the composition, lighting, and the sort of digital enhancement you can do in post. I can spend up to an hour on an image in post, doing various enhancements in the RAW processing, and if that's still not enough, I'll fire up Elements. Honestly, the biggest difference between cameras aside from the megapixels (which you really only need if you're printing huge poster prints) is that their updated image processors take a lot of the work out of the post-processing, by doing things like noise reduction and color balance on-the-fly.
If you're still stuck on gear, then start renting. is local, and has extremely reasonable prices.
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