Kensington makes a cute little FM transmitter that matches my Ipod so perfectly that when it's attached, it's almost invisible. Now, I don't have to worry about carrying cd's around with me because all I need is my ipod and transmitter. Fabulous. Here's a sampling of what I'm listening to these days (In no particular order
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Comments 8
Did you know Milo of the Decendents left the band after Milo Goes to College to study biochemistry. Which is what he still does now. Well they did tour maybe ten years ago.
And as for ELO, I love them, ever since I saw Xanadu. It's my happy music :-) I have a number of their songs on the Ipod - Evil Woman, Do You Want My Love, Strange Magic, I'm Alive, Don't Walk Away. I just put some KC and the Sunshine band on there too - apparently I'm moving into a disco phase for the week.
And you are right, I should of looked it up before I spoke.
My taste in music tends to follow my moods...and lately, I'm all over the place.
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