So, I have a new way to keep fit whilst using the computer. It involves a rather large red rubber bal, a fat body (me) and some stomach crunching whilst on the computer. Its quite a new fangled idea. Go me!
Whilst I type this, I'm testing the master plan out
Join the craze today kids. 1 in 3 of you are OBESE!!!
In light of a newly discovered picture of last year's dance show, if anyone has any pictures of the dance show, or any from Heath Primary School or Nacton, then lemme know.
I've been listeing to, and watching "There goes my life"- By Kenny Chesney, for around half an hour on constant replay and it has an amazing quality about it
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For the "wrong handed" people...Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people! That means DEATH to Lefties
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