the week that was..

May 20, 2010 12:03

Last Thursday I woke feeling unwell but it soon cleared and all I was really feeling was cramps but I put that down to poo pains and nothing more. I decided I would still meet up with Kaia like we had planned.

I caught a train to the city and then out to Seaton but in this time my cramps were coming on more and I was a little concerned I was having contractions instead. So I sms'd Kaia to inform her that things may go downhill at some stage. When I got to her I asked if we could go to a chemist and see what they thought it might be.
The chemist told me to go see a doctor, so I asked Kaia if she would take me to the nearest hospital as I had a suspicion that I was going into labour.
She drove me to The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, unknown to me at the time, they don't have a labour and delivery ward at the QEH so as the doctors worked out yes I was in labour and yes its too late to transfer me anywhere else as I was at 3:30pm getting contractions every 2 mins and was 5cm dilated.
So they decided I would have to have my baby there and then transfer us afterwards. I wasn't really worried. I had the wonderful Kaia with me almost the whole time, and she kept me sane and breathing. I keep forgetting to breathe during labour, too many other things to think about. Like OMG PAIN! There wasn't enough pain meds and I wasn't allowed to scream, they wanted me to focus my energy on pushing. Which felt wrong at the beginning and I believe at one point I said I couldn't go on.
But at 4:59pm little baby Nicholas Ethan Ortaliz was born and gave a little cry, and then was rushed away from me. He was only 33 weeks so they were taking no chances with him.

They worked over him for sometime and Kaia stole photos of him for me as I wasn't up to moving around at that point.
They got Med Star in to prepare him for transport and they put a tube into his lungs to help him breathe.

Then they transfered us in seperate ambulances to Flinders Medical Centre.
Since then little Nicholas has been doing so well, they took his breathing tube out due to him kinda breathing on his own. (the tube was too small and he was blowing bubbles and squeaking on his own)

Now he is in a less critical area and isn't watched as much.

We got many visitors and gifts.

I am learning to express milk. And finding it makes me as hungry as before. A nurse told me its a great way to lose weight as well. And of course so much cheaper than formula.

Nicholas now gets 2 hourly feeds and loves to stare all around when he's awake. I try to spend at least 4 hours with him now that I'm not at the hospital. And we got to try him feeding from my breast. He is very good at sucking on the pacifier.
I am learning to change and feed him. Yesterday I took a photo of Jayson and I from our wedding day, so he can see his Dad and so that the nurses can see why he's darker than me.

If you want to catch up while he's in there, we are allowed visitors between 4-8pm but only 1-2 people at a time. Or I can meet up in the mornings as I don't go down til after lunch.

My belly has turned to jelly and I'm finding it easier to sit down. (they stitched me up which made the first few days painful)

I am very proud of my baby and feel positive that he will continue on fine. Just as long as I keep sick people away from him.
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