Do you mean sniping out of the blue? I always thought the best opportunity to snipe was during a fire fight. In fencing, my reach and speed can let me snipe with little set-up...until everyone figures that out. Then I'm forced to actually fight.
His Excellency is very good, but he cannot cover your firing angle when he has to address other threats. Besides...he wears a mace magnet, and anyone can hit those, right?
Ah, Joel, you disappoint me; I thought you had either a positive learning curve or a good memory (or, why, when even in the melees, I didn't give him *too* much a reason or opportunity to target me, even for his "I'm out of shape and out of practice" comments).
For all the prospective pain, though, I'm glad he's back.
As for Young Will's optimism in the face of his imminent departure, just think on this: his first experience fighting Andrew, after he gets back, will be of an Andrew actually in practice, as opposed to one who's picked up a stick *maybe* 5 times in the past 5 years ...
Comments 8
Do you mean sniping out of the blue? I always thought the best opportunity to snipe was during a fire fight. In fencing, my reach and speed can let me snipe with little set-up...until everyone figures that out. Then I'm forced to actually fight.
His Excellency is very good, but he cannot cover your firing angle when he has to address other threats. Besides...he wears a mace magnet, and anyone can hit those, right?
For all the prospective pain, though, I'm glad he's back.
As for Young Will's optimism in the face of his imminent departure, just think on this: his first experience fighting Andrew, after he gets back, will be of an Andrew actually in practice, as opposed to one who's picked up a stick *maybe* 5 times in the past 5 years ...
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