How degrading...

Apr 20, 2006 16:10

1) What planet should hipsterachilles be from? planet emo
2) What is jiko2000's biggest flaw? probably... I'm not sure
3) Is neuroticnerd related to saucy_fosse? not as far as I know...
4) If polish_war_path and t3hsexxor182 were spliced together, what would it be like? oh god... it'd be some sort of abomination from hell
5) What is solitary_candor's favorite band/artist? hell if I know... probably The Who or something
6) Do you have a crush on saucy_fosse? hahaha.... ask the team
7) Has jiko2000 been to your house/dorm? I don't think so
8) Does neuroticnerd know jiko2000? I'm fairly certain, yes.
9) One quality you find attractive in polish_war_path? certainly not the catholicism
10) Is saucy_fosse in a relationship? I'd hope so
11) Where did you first meet cryptic_ballad? at school at some point
12) What flavor of jello would t3hsexxor182 be? semen flavoured jello
13) How many monkeys could saucy_fosse fight at once and win against? depends on if she has the cockagator or not...
14) Is saucy_fosse popular? in a certain sense, I'd suppose
15) What would you do if solitary_candor died? streak at the funeral
16) If winglesspigeon had a superpower, what would it be? I'm not sure...
17) If saucy_fosse and neuroticnerd were spliced together, what would be its name? "my goodness, what is that thing?!"
18) If jiko2000 and solitary_candor were siamese twins, where would they be joined? ahahah oh dear, awkward questions...
19) Which of your friends should t3hsexxor182 go out with? I'd never wish that on anyone
20) Have you flirted with polish_war_path? not to my knowledge
21) Would you wrestle winglesspigeon in jello? okay, that's just fucking weird
22) How would winglesspigeon kill neuroticnerd? in some bizarre manner
23) What would solitary_candor think of t3hsexxor182? something negative, I'd hope
24) Does t3hsexxor182 smoke? err...
25) Is t3hsexxor182 a nerd? in a certain sense, yes
26) What would neuroticnerd give solitary_candor for his/her birthday? probably something PC-related, to be an asshole
27) Does cryptic_ballad have a crush on saucy_fosse? he's yachyaa... he'd go after anything
28) Thoughts on polish_war_path? hmph... catholics
29) What is jiko2000's favorite game? hell if I know
30) Would you ever date saucy_fosse? er... probably, yeah.
31) Is cryptic_ballad friends with jiko2000? yes, I think so.
32) How tall is winglesspigeon? moderately so
33) Do you think winglesspigeon is hot? ah, loaded questions... michael yun would be so happy
34) What song/movie would you recommend to saucy_fosse? there's probably nothing I can come up with that she's not already familiar with
35) Is jiko2000 introverted or extroverted? a bit of both
36) Are polish_war_path and winglesspigeon going out? in a certain sense, perhaps.
37) Where was t3hsexxor182 born? Racine, I'd assume
38) What mental disorder does jiko2000 remind you of? I'm not sure...
39) Is t3hsexxor182 an emo? not really
40) Is neuroticnerd your best friend? I'm not a fan of putting people in conceptual boxes
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