The Fruit of the Spirit - Peace

Dec 05, 2010 02:08

The third revelation of the fruit of the Spirit is peace. This peace that is born out of the Spirit of Jesus surpasses all understanding... As the world is tearing itself apart all around us, we can be at peace. Our hope does not lie in the world, but in Jesus. When famines strike, we don't have to worry, because our trust lies in Jesus Christ as revealed to the heart by His Spirit. Our heavenly Father, who art in heaven sends us our daily bread by way of Jesus, and the Holy Ghost is what enables us to receive of the Father. I always try to remember to thank Him  for gifting me with my daily supply of Him.

Philippians 4
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

The peace of Jesus will as given through the Holy Spirit will give you rest in a world that never sleeps... you can have peace of mind while the rest of the world is in panic, confusion, and turmoil. When the hearts of those in the world begin to fail them, your heart will be kept in tranquility...this is such a wonderful gift.

Psalm 119
165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

Some people get so easily offended and led into a rage over every little thing that others say.... I believe it's because they don't have the peace of the Spirit in their hearts yet. It's so much easier to forgive and let arguments go when you are blessed with this peace. When you walk in it there's not a lot out there that will offend you.

John 14
27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

You can have sickness in your body, and still have the peace of Jesus. We can even face death and not be afraid because our souls are at peace, our hope is in the resurrection, and our trust is in His Word. For in Him there is no death, but life everlasting. To be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord. The world can pass away, and everything will be alright.... because you'll wake up to a smile, and in the warm embrace of Jesus Christ your Lord. Blessings to all....
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