When food prices get really high, one very good way of offsetting family costs and insuring health is having a garden. Even seeds will start getting really expensive, so I have put together a list of the best seed sources in the US for everyone, plus a little info about them here.
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Comments 4
I feel very fortunate as we have access to the family farm, a 60' greenhouse, and a 1/4 acre garden plot to do with as we please.
Very fortunate indeed!!
Renee's Garden Seeds
6116 Highway 9
Felton, CA 95018
Territorial Seed Company
Territorial Seed Company
PO Box 158
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Phone Orders: 800-626-0866
Fax Orders: 888-657-3131
Customer Service/Gardening Questions: 541-942-9547
Both sources supply heritage seed, but they specialize in open-pollinated varieties rather than specifically heritage ones. Territorial Seed specifically focuses on plants that grow well in the specialized climate of the coastal Pacific Northwest.
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