YAY CONGRATS! *le flomp* Finally, heheheh! ;) I'll throw you a party! Only you won't be here for it. So it'll just be me. Eating ice cream by myself. But being happy for you! :D
haha, i wish. and considering i don't even have the money to buy myself one (yeah, i'm pretty much making negative amounts of money this summer, given that i have to pay to commute into DC for my internship...) i think it'll be a while. *sigh* oh well.
Comments 8
haha. just kidding. congrats...now you can drive to see meeeeeeee
and considering i don't even have the money to buy myself one (yeah, i'm pretty much making negative amounts of money this summer, given that i have to pay to commute into DC for my internship...) i think it'll be a while. *sigh* oh well.
I didn't have my first car till I was 21. You'll get one soon enough. They are a HUGE responsibility honestly & expensive contraptions!
Happy 4th of July!
it's okay, we'll be awesome without cars. congrats on getting your license though!
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