Age: 119ish years of being a demon. He died at around 26 or so.
Height: 177cm (5' 9½")
Weight: No idea.
Hair: Bleached platinum blond!
Eyes: Blue.
Blood Type: Yours.
Medical info: Is dead.
Physical traits: Short, lean, sexy?
What's Okay to Mention Around Him: ANYTHING |D
Notes for the Psychics: He's a demon, has no soul. IS EVIL, loves Dru. Remembers being human and writing bad poetry. That aside, what you see is what you get.
Abilities: Enhances senses, strength, better reflexes. He can take a lot of damage and can only be killed by:
1. Getting beheaded.
2. Stake through the heart.
3. Sunlight.
He gets burnt by crucifixes and holy water.
Can I shape shift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: YES. YES YOU CAN. However, he will retaliate. I am perfectly okay with interventions and I'll always try to contact you before letting Spike do anything, though.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Be my guest~
Maim/Murder/Death: If you've ever wanted to kill one of my characters this is the WINNER. Hurt him however you want to, though he will HOLD A GRUDGE and possibly try to kill you later.
Cooking: ... he likes his prey scared and under 30.