My PhotoOps from the conventions...

Dec 25, 2008 20:53

SPN LA Con 2008
Chicago Con 2008

Photo Ops & Autographs


Our scanner has been kinda dismantled for a while and I've been too busy, too tired, or too lazy to do anything about it.

Finally while over at my Mom's for Christmas today I took a few moments to scan my photoOps from the LA 2008 and Chicago 2008 conventions.  So for those of you who haven't seen photos or me in person--here's your lucky break!  (so called).  Well, just look at the boys.

LA Con 2008
The LA Con in March was my first and I was so NERVOUS going into the photoOps.  The only thing I can remember for sure is saying congratulations to Jared for his engagement to Sandy.  I was so much more nervous for the Jensen photo than for Jared.  But I was still very nervous overall.

ABOVE :: Jared PhotoOp from the LA Con in March 2008.

I had him sign it at the Chicago Con in November.  I like myself in all the LA Con photoOps.  It's one of the best photos taken of me.  The Creation photo guy (Chris) really rocks.  I love Jared in this as well.  fickleone  and I call this Jared the "Sparkly Jared".

ABOVE :: Jensen PhotoOp from LA Con in March 2008.
I got a smiling Jensen!!!!!  Again, I had him sign it in Chicago this past November.

ABOVE :: The J2 Sandwich from LA 2008. 
I liked this photo back in March, but I think I like the J2 from Chicago better--at least of the boys.  I still like myself better in these LA photos.

Autographs from LA Con 2008

(Note: I'm adding these way after the fact, in 2011(!), so I don't remember a lot of the details from getting these autos unfortunately.)

ABOVE :: J2 Auto

ABOVE ::  My friend Mrsr58, who I hadn't yet met in person, made this great manip for Kripke to sign for her.   I decided to be brave and asked her if she would mind letting me use it as well.   I made sure M was before me in Kripke's autograph line.   But even after he originally saw the photo when M presented it, he still chuckled, and shook his head and said he couldn't believe how great it was.

ABOVE ::   I remember making a point of looking Jensen directly in the eyes since I failed to during my photo op with him.  I think I freaked him out a bit.  ;-)

ABOVE :: Jared

ABOVE :: Kripke brought these photos with him and handed them out for free.  His autos were also free.  So I asked him to sign his head shot as well as the manip M made.

Chicago Con 2008

ABOVE :: It's funny because in Chicago this past November Jared just blew me away.

I so had my Zen on.  I was so calm.  I felt like an old pro at this.  Jared's photo was first this time and as I was walking towards him he looked at me and said "Hi Babe, how you doing?" in this very sexy deep voice.  By the time he finished saying it I was face to face with him getting ready to take the photo, so I turned to him in surprise at what he said and my face was about 2 inches from his and I said something like "I'm doing great.  How about you?"  Then we were told to face the camera and Chris took the shot.  I walked out of there so giddy.

Again, I'm supposedly a Jensen girl.  But man, Jared has charisma and so much sex-appeal it's freaking amazing.  And he was so cute in his black knit hat.

ABOVE :: The J2 sandwich was next in Chicago.

I was still so nervous after the Jared photo that I could barely contain myself in anticipation of having another photo with him.  I barely looked at Jensen as I walked up to them.

ABOVE :: Then I was finally calm again after I knew the Jared photo's were over.

I walked up to Jensen and said hi very calmly.  The boys were both sitting for the individual photoOps because they are so tall.  But that actually put Jensen a little on the low side and we had a moment of confusion about where to put our arms so my arm actually ended up almost on his shoulder -- which felt a little awkward.  But he patted me on the back and smiled at me.  He just didn't smile at the moment of the photo, darnit.  And this is the worse photo of me of all the photo ops I think.

ABOVE ::  Fickleone and I both got Chad photos in Chicago.

And we got them back in time to have him sign it.

ABOVE :: And we also got a Gabe photo and had him sign it

Autographs from Chicago Con 2008

We're going to get a Malik photo in LA this coming March and maybe a Richard as well.  We've already purchased the J2, Jared, Jensen, and Misha photo-ops.

(And I'm still rooting for an Impala photoOp in Vancouver.)

spn my cons, spn chicago con 2008, spn, spn la con 2008, spn autographs, spn cons, spn photoops

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