LA Con 2009 - J2 Panel - Part 1 of 2

Mar 31, 2009 19:56

J2 Panel - Part 1

This may well be my longest post for the con. As I was going through the J2 Panel pics I realized I remembered enough to add commentary. So we'll see how that goes.

Because of the number of pics, I think I will be breaking this up into two posts.

ETA:  Feel free to snag and use photos in icons, etc.  Just credit me.  Also please don't hotlink!  For the first time I exceeded my monthly bandwidth--on the 1st day of the month!  I signed up for a Pro account for the next three months.  But would rather not keep it up past the initial hits these posts get.  Someone asked if I could upload a zip file with the photos.  I'll try to do that within the next few days.  I need to actually clean my house soon--my guys kinda let it go a bit while I was in LA!

ETA2:  You can find zip files for these photos on my Master Post for the Con.

Part 1

Jensen was ON for this con. Despite over-sleeping.

Our J2 Breakfast started at least 30 minutes late because Jensen hit off instead of snooze when his alarm went off. When he and Jared came into the breakfast he said, "It's MY fault!" He evidently woke up 30 minutes after the time he was supposed to be picked up. Of course, one wonders why his driver didn't buzz him or something...

When we had our photo ops with Jensen we were amazed to see him freely smiling; showing teeth! Hugging people! Talking to people! It's not that Jensen doesn't like his fans--it's more that he's a lot more reserved than Jared. You're lucky if you get teeth showing in his smile--and forget about a hug! More on the photo ops later though.

When Jensen rejoined Jared on stage for the J2 Panel he was still very much ON. If Jared really did slip some whiskey in his coffee earlier--I'm sure that didn't hurt. But that happened AFTER the breakfast and photo ops. So Jensen was ON in any case. Perhaps he was just happy that he was going to get the summer off.

1a-g) In this first set of photos, Jensen rejoins Jared to the tune of Eye of the Tiger. Striking poses and shaking his booty. If you haven't seen janglyjewels great video of that-- go here.

Just prior to Jensen going back on stage, I could see Jensen standing behind the back stage curtain waiting to come back on. My seat was in the second row--right in front of where the guests came out. Jared was answering a question asked by a friend of mine requesting a story about Jensen that would tell us who Jensen was. I could see Jensen cocking his head back stage to listen to Jared's reply. It was so cute.

Then he bounced out and rocked his thing to EoTT in the photos below (1a thru 1g).

And, of course, Jared was cracking up. (Jared did that frequently during this panel--reacting to Jensen.)








In pics 2 through 8 the Js are answering various questions.








The bobsie twins.... In 9a through 9e they are answering more questions. I love how my seat gave me profile views of them side-by-side. It also gave me great shots of Jared looking at Jensen. I also now think that I almost prefer sitting slightly off to the side. When the guests answer questions, they ALWAYS face the person asking--which puts them directly facing those in the side seats at least half the time. So you get not only profile shots but lots of full frontal facings.






10) more questions...

11) more questions...

12a) I have several shots of just Jensen from the J2 panel. I honestly wasn't trying just for Jensen. But since Jensen was on my side of the stage, when the boys faced towards me, Jensen was almost always in focus. And sometimes that gave me some great shots of Jensen--but unfortunately, little to none of Jared.


13a) The boys frequently looked at each other as they answered questions. Often starting funny riffs.


Speaking of such a riff--in 14a through 14h, Jensen started one (he was the instigator of most the riffs that day). He started joking around with the audience and using his hands to control the level of applause and cheers for himself. Jared is cracking up in the background. Then, in 14f through 14g--Jared copies what Jensen did.






14f) Jared controls the applause & cheers.


14h) ....and jumps up in joy when the audience cheers loudly for him.





19a) Unfortunately I can't remember what Jensen is reacting to in the photos below.



21) I recall that Jensen was reacting to the audience approving of something Jared said--I just do not recall the particulars.


23a) More of Jensen cracking Jared up in 23a through 23g







( link to Part 2)

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times since 08/23/2009.

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