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The other day I was updating my master list of
upcoming SPN Conventions and I happened to revisit the
Rome JIB Con website.
Man, this convention has to have the most wonderful SPN artwork associated with a con. I liked them all so much that I had to nab them myself (and since the site itself gives you buttons to specifically download, I figured it was okay.)
Rather than post all those images individually, I did up a slide show of all of them. I'm very impressed. (Creation? You paying attention?)
ETA 10/9/2009: Updated slide show since I keep finding more and more fanart for this con.
*sigh* Too bad it's not a con I'll be going to. Could you imagine? Rome?
ETA: I just want to say that I'm also excited about all the other SPN Cons happening in in the next 18 months. That's why I set up the
master list of upcoming cons -- because I think it's all so cool.
The Rome Con caught my eye last night because I'm so very drawn to graphics and because I'd had a long discussion with someone who was considering (and is) going to this one. I especially like the fact that it's organizers are very fan-based. As is, I believe the
Argentina Con:: Heaven & Hell as well. I've also had brief LJ conversations with folks involved with that con. I find it very interesting and exciting to see these cons from a heavily fan-based organization.
Don't get me wrong, I'm actually one of the people who appreciates Creation's cons. I love them. But I recognized that they do multiple shows and while they may have some appreciation for the shows, it's not quite the same as those of us who are...um...obsessed ... in love ... so involved with SHOW.