Opinions Oh Flist? (Vancon autographs)

Aug 09, 2010 21:14

I still may get into making new images for autos in Vancon.  But right now I'm thinking I'm either going to go with images I've leftover from past conventions (and boy do I have a lot!) or perhaps some of my recent fanart.

I'd love opinions.

I could have the boys sign this image I did for last Vancon that I didn't have them sign (I had them sign my J2 Photo Op from Chicon 2008).  I have a lot of the other actors' sigs on this series and if I had the boys sign this it would "complete" the series.


I could print these two below and laminate them back to back and have the boys sign their side.   (I have a PM to wolfpup2000 to see if she'd be ok with this.)


Two other options (original photos also from wolfpup2000)


or something from this series..


Or even some of those "mini cards" I printed up of some of my photos from past cons (some of you may remember me handing them out at Vancon 2010.)  These cards are only about 1.5 x 1 inches in size.


Decisions, decisions.  But like I said I have a lot of stuff already printed that I could have them sign.


spn fanart, spn, fanart, spn vancon 2010

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