Vancon 2010
Group Photo Ops
Rather than add these to my previous post, I decided to just post them separately. These are all the group photo ops that Fickleone and I shared.
above: Friday Group, Rob, fickleone, Misha, me, Matt, and Demore.
above :: A more closely cropped version
above :: And just because I could! (Fickleone you want one with you and Rob and/or you/Rob/Misha?)
aboove :: this is the first J2 that I didn't do solo. Fickleone I think I should have chosen to have the boys in the center after all. Chicken am I. And for some reason I like leaning into you more than Jensen. WTH?
above :: Munchkins with the Giants!
above :: Saturday group - Aldis, Katherine, me, fickleone, Richard, & Matt. Richard took control of this and was directing fickleone and I as to where to stand. I was very confused!
above :: close up. I like this version better! Hides my caboose! :)
Link to Individual Photo Ops .