How could I have been so naive? To think that I would assume that something as simple as asking for a tablet for Christmas would go off without a hitch? It did not, and here is the whole sorrowful tale. With a happy ending, never fear but still -- as with everything else in my life, I had to get there the long way 'round.
(This is lengthy, but my
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Comments 4
I haven't read the next post yet-I hope it's all about how you got your money back and the bank decided not to charge you.
"I'm starting to think my dream job might be gadget reviewer" -- This is a brilliant idea. And here you can show your potential gadget-sending employers that you have been reviewing in detail for quite some time already, and that you have devoted following of bloggy-types who obviously of course do a lot of shopping for gadgets.
(If you know how to get into the reviewing racket though, feel free to pass my name along. Especially the plan where I get sent stuff for free!)
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