From Twitter 05-06-2011

May 07, 2011 03:06

  • 08:59:29: @ thetraub How does it "handle"? Being able to lie the seats down flat helps I bet!
  • 09:17:47: @ thetraub Aw, here's me, always with the dirty mind. ") Say hi to your mom for me!
  • 09:44:23: This is great: Rational Discussions, a flowchart: (via @mattbutcher). #Nerd #ThingsIShouldSendToBoringGuy
  • 12:11:17: @ noslowallgo FUCKING HELLS YEAH! Good job my friend!
  • 17:57:55: Hey, @Eastmancolour, did you turn me on to this? Because, if so, thanks, and if not, you need it:

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