I like that National Geographic can use the word "hobbit" and expect everyone to know what they're talking about. If it were something like "jawa" or "tribble" a bunch would know, but not most.
you would probably be eaten. they must have been some vicious little things to have survived alongside modern-ish humans for so long.
in my own mind, i'm going to take those hobbits, and make them ride the komodo dragons in wars against the giant rat-kobolds and pygmy elephants. hahaha, i love it. there's that tingliness. it makes me really want to play world of warcraft as a roleplayer. next they'll find a really really tall and thin species of large-eared human with arrowheads scattered all 'round. wow. if they did, i would squeeze my pillow with delight.
gnomes cast necromantic magic and do sexy dances that really aren't that sexy. they're more like quarterlings. twice as short and twice as annoying as any halfling.
Comments 5
in my own mind, i'm going to take those hobbits, and make them ride the komodo dragons in wars against the giant rat-kobolds and pygmy elephants. hahaha, i love it. there's that tingliness. it makes me really want to play world of warcraft as a roleplayer. next they'll find a really really tall and thin species of large-eared human with arrowheads scattered all 'round. wow. if they did, i would squeeze my pillow with delight.
Of course, maybe they found an ancient colony of gnomes! ::hate gnomes!::
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