chase is a sissy.....yay for 4th of july went not so well....considering i was still on loratab and sleeping, although i did set off fireworks while in my groggy state
UR A SISSY! SO BACK OFF! i wish i got to sleep during the 4th but nooo... at least i did get to see fireworks on my way home from work. I could see the ones from downtown from the highway. Didnt get to set any off, work refused to let me set off the ones that we sell. WELL THEY"RE SISSIES! hey, does anyone agree with me that cheese that is cut off a huge chunk is better than sliced cheese? Man, stupid BMG doesnt have The Offspring, they suck, they're a bunch of sissies. but i still signed up for it and ordered me a bunch of cool music, used the e-mail ya sent me Bec. Sorry took so long.
I'm pleased that you are happy, I wish that you would have made time for me while i was gone, perhaps i will see you when i am bakc, it will only be for a week ... but i'm glad that you two are happy together. Just don't take part in his *other* habits!! ;-)
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