That's right. A drive by...insulting! I was flabbergasted that it had happened.
My bus had broken down(a far too common occurance these days), so I was enjoying the nice outside air while waiting for a mechanic to show up. Well, along comes this yuppie mobile suv and a teen sticks his head out and yells, get this, "Your cloathing makes you look fat and your hand makes you look gay!".
Well, I have to say, my first reaction was a 'what the fuck?' reaction. It took me a few moments to process the whole incident and realize...that was probably the worst (as in badly thought out, not in bad in a bad way) insult I had ever recieved. My second thought was 'Poor yuppie kids that can't think of anything better'. Hell, I would love for them to come by again, so I could at least coach them with a few better insults than that!
I mean, sheesh! Even I can come up with something better than that, and without using the common 'bad' words.
On to other things, overtime is the name of the game. Out of the year and a half I've worked at this job, I think I had all of two months of regular days off. Now(for the last two months) I've been working overtime. And to top this off, now I'm working saturdays as well, pushing me up to 60 hours a week. I'm pooped! Not to mention how it's completely wrecking what little life I might have had otherwise. I've not gone out of the house for anything short of shopping in quite some time, and it's starting to drag. I guess I'm feeling burnt out, and sadly there is no end in sight. They keep promising us they are hiring more people, but our training program seems to have a 95% dropout rate, so it's been a while since any new blood has made it in. Top that with us loosing more employees than we are taking in, and its a recipie for disaster.
Well, I'll keep going for now, and hope things get better. If not, that job opening at the local gun store is gonna start looking mighty tempting. I'd do it now, but the wage is less than ideal for me. But I could make that sacrifice if they keep this up.
Man, if only I had some job skills other than driving and pig farming.