Christa did a survey comparison so I think I will to. Plus, I have nothing better to do since everyone is asleep. And apparently I haven't been on LJ AT ALL lately. Maybe this will make up for it.
The Year 2005:The Year 2006
[P E O P L E]
1. Best friend? I don't know :X // Lots of really good friends. Bestest ever? Sarah D.
2. Best boyfriend/girlfriend? I have to admitt it .. Robbie // I'm pretty sure I technically only had one boyfriend in 2006. And that was Max. And he sucks at being a good boyfriend (good friend, shitty boyfriend).
3. Lost any friends? Yes // Not that they aren't my friends anymore, but I've lost touch with a few people. I went to college, what do you expect?
4. Gained any friends? Yes! // YES!!
5. Met a new good friend? Oh Yes // Fuck Yes
[P L A C E S]
1. Went out of the country? Yes // I spent the first few hours of 2006 on an airplane coming back from Korea. Over the summer we were supposed to go out of the country but that trip got cancelled. This winter break I was supposed to go out of the country but I refused.
2. Moved? No // To Lynchburg! Does that count?
3. New school? No // Haha, yes. Two of them actually! Penn Foster High School and Randolph-Macon Woman's College. Actually, make that three. + Randolph College
4. How many times on an airplane? Eight? // One.
5. Road trips? Haha, I'd say so. // A hell of a lot of driving, but no real road trips.
[Y O U]
1. Have you changed? I've changed alot in ways that most wouldn't notice. // I have. But I don't even know how or how much anymore.
2. New look: New hair. // My hair is longer. It's dyed, but you can't tell. And I'm trying to dress better now. Haha, but usually that only happens on weekends
3. Any new additions? Umm .. no, I'm not pregnant? // Umm .. see last year?
4. Biggest conflict this year? The grand break-up. Bleh. // The car accident.
5. Most depressed time this year? March - May .. that was the worst. // July.
[L O V E]
1. Did you fall in love? No // No, but I found a boy that I actually REALLY LIKE!
2. Did you get heartbroken? Yes // No. And to prevent it from happening in 2007 I've decided to give up on this boy I really like. I think he likes me, but not enough. So poo on him. I'm dropping that before I get too attached/involved.
3. Who was your summer love? No love, no dates. Just boys that meant close to nothing. // Hahah .. Justin ♥
[S E A S O N S]
1. Favorite Season? Winter (for 2005) because I finally came to a certain closure and am content with myself and my life. // End of spring/Beginning of Summer. It was before the accident.
2. Least favorite season? Spring (for 2005) .. it was hell for me. // End of summer.
3. Good birthday? Yes :) And I love everyone that was part of it // Birthday shots, pretty cakes, phone calls at 12:00am and surprise singing at 12:03am. Then RING NIGHT!! Haha, It was an amazing birthday!
4. Any snow this year? Random snow days .. White Christmas .. // Back in February(NYLF) I was in Vienna when we got a foot of snow.
5. Highest temperature? Uhh .. really hot? // I have no idea. I was working and not outside for most of the summer anyway.
[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S]
Snuck out - I don't think so // Haha, yeah..
Met a person who will change ur life - Probably .. I've met alot of people this year // Several.
Kept your resolution - I tend to have resolutions to begin with // I don't believe in resolutions.
Got arrested- No // No.
Had a first something- First time to get drunk. First heartbreak. First time riding a plane with no one I know. // Going to college and all the firsts that come with that.
Smoked weed/drugs- I'm clean :) // Nuh uh, is that true?? Oh, well maybe if last years survey was talking about 2005 .. 2005 was kind of a long time ago I guess..
Did anything illegal- Probably? Wait .. yes. // Yes.
Kissed a boy/girl- Yes // Yes.
Had a crush- Yes // Yes. And I hate 'em!
Liked someone- Yes // Yes.
Lost a family member- No // Yes. Two.
Got bad grades- I raised them by Report Cards // YAY FOR MY 3.6!!!
Got suspended- No //No
Moved states- No // MD --> VA
Got a myspace- Hahaha yes // Got a FaceBook
Learned an instrument- No // No
Started a band- No // No
Spent over 1 million dollars- No. Well actually .. maybe it adds up over the year? // Haha, not THAT much!
Went streaking- Yes // Hmm .. I don't think I did in 2006 .. Weird.
Done something you shouldn't have- Yes // Doesn't that happen every year?
Kept a secret- Yes // Yes
Told a secret- Yes // Yes
Done something you totally regret- Nothing that I haven't pretty much gotten over by now // Eh, I guess not
Changed your view on things- Definitely. // I don't know what I think anymore!