
May 23, 2007 09:32

So most people would be hella cool with the fact, but I'm bugged to no end... it seems like my mom is taking over my role of being a mom. When I wake up with him in the am she even comes out of nowhere like "move" and takes him from me. I'm like "wtf?" I'm starting to wonder if Daniel even knows that I'm his mom and not her. :-(  I was pissed that ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

claribella May 23 2007, 16:50:25 UTC
Do NOT let her do this...

This is where I am at now and my kid doesn't respect me for shit! Because he has his Papa and Gammy to back him up and cut his REAL mother down...

That is all I have to say about that.


you = momma.. she's grandma crisco May 23 2007, 22:02:03 UTC
Dude.. Look at Phia. She's growing great and only had that inital bit of formula. Keep pumping and putting him to breast as much as possible.. Stay hydrated. Include oatmeal in your diet. Flaxseed is good too. Kashi makes these oatmeal flaxseed chocolate chip cookies that are tasty, plus full of milk making stuff. Those quaker breakfast cookies are also pretty good stuff.

>>>Stop buying formula!<<< If it's not in the house, she'll have to feed him milk or let your nurse. =) If you've bought a bunch, put the unopened chit on craigslist and be done. You can exclusively breastfeed, you're just gonna have to put your foot down and show your mom that you're not her little baby anymore, but a mother yourself who knows what's best for your baby. (And I know that came across hella bitchy, but it's not ment to be mean to yer moms, just gotta do what you gotta do.) I'm totally rooting for you homie.. Know all to well worrying that it's not enough and such. If breastmilk wasn't enough for babies humans would have died out ages ago, plus look ( ... )


crisco May 24 2007, 00:08:38 UTC
I'm surprised you were b/f soo long with her giving you formula.. I'm still not certain when Phia's gonna quit, but I plan on it being sooner than that. Shoo.. If she was still getting formula the boob would have stopped awhile ago. I dunno..


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