
Apr 26, 2005 14:14

I used to live in Melbourne - about 10 years ago, return visits since finishing school and moving to Brisbane have been to see friends or family, so Ive basically just gone from one persons house to another, same old bars and restaurants and majority of the time stayed with my family.. This time round we stayed at the Prince and did lots. I have a ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

safetypinheart April 26 2005, 03:00:42 UTC
Photographs of Melbourne! ♥

good old espy hotel ;) melbourne is great, but you already know that. you should definitely come back to us!


grunggae April 26 2005, 15:02:52 UTC
Ahhhwww shucks.. thats just the type of encouragement I need!! I am lovin your band pics too by the way!! x


verymetal April 26 2005, 04:39:26 UTC
Half your luck.. Sounds like a *blast*.. If I had a chance to escape this city, I'd be gone yesterday.. Yay re: the Andy stuff...


grunggae April 26 2005, 15:07:00 UTC
Life is what you make it???? Master of your own destiny an all that shit!!!! xxxxxxxxxx (should really take my own advice shouldnt i?)


verymetal April 26 2005, 15:42:52 UTC
I swear I'm going to take that 'life is what you make it' thing & push it off a tall cliff.


grunggae April 26 2005, 15:49:33 UTC
aahhr sorry b..
You going tonight? I am not sure if I want to considering my efforts last year?


(The comment has been removed)

grunggae April 26 2005, 15:09:35 UTC
YOU BE QUIET - it was Missy... dont burst my bubble! And she was smoozing with another girl which sorta makes me happy!!


maceo April 26 2005, 06:24:32 UTC
Wow you're staying at the Prince! That's just around the corner from me... pictures of Acland street make me want to bash my head against a wall. You having fun??


grunggae April 26 2005, 15:15:32 UTC
Back in Brisborne now, Prince was bloody awesome, the room was sooo nice, we totally trashed it up for the weekend. I didnt know you lived in Kilda?, we could have had a beer or 20! I was very dissapointed with Acland st, except the rare records store - I like that part!

How much rent do you pay? Do you like being in Melb?


maceo April 29 2005, 05:13:59 UTC
Oh the Prince would be lovely inside, I can just imagine. It sucks you've gone back, I would've invited you to the glam rock par-tay I'm having next week :D

Acland St is so crowded and horrible... I still haven't checked Rare Records out, they've only been there a couple of months now.

My rent is $285/week... sucks ass but it's such a cool flat. And yeah, I don't mind it down here, though I miss my Bris friends like crazy :(


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