Fandom: Code Geass Title: The Black March Genre: Drama, Angst, Alternate Universe Characters: Lelouch, Kallen (Lelouch/Kallen is you squint) Spoilers: Episode 25 Rated: R Summary: Lelouch is going slightly mad. ( When itchy trigger fingers triumph )
Simply amazing! I loved how Kallen came looking for him and the last line was heart breaking and yet it redeemed Lelouch a little bit. I think I like your AU end than the canon's.
This was incredibly BREATHTAKING. Despite the fact that he shot Suzaku, the strenghtening in Lelouch and Kallen's resolve is amazing. I mean, Shirley's father was one thing, but when a death happened to Lulu so PERSONALLY...oh god, words cannot express my total awe and adoration for this fic! As much as I hate the idea of Suzaku being dead...
I do think Suzaku is a genuinely interesting character, but I wondered how Lelouch would carry the burden of killing him. I doubted they would kill off their lead, so I honestly thought the writers would axe Suzaku instead, and it got the gears turning. To make a long story short, that's how we wound up here.
Comments 4
I do think Suzaku is a genuinely interesting character, but I wondered how Lelouch would carry the burden of killing him. I doubted they would kill off their lead, so I honestly thought the writers would axe Suzaku instead, and it got the gears turning. To make a long story short, that's how we wound up here.
Thanks again for reading
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