I've noticed something in Death Note.
The manga views Light as protagonist, but slowly declines him into a murderer. At the time of his death, he's a helpless lunatic, much like the enemies that he dispatched himself. It made me laugh seeing Kira so weak and helpless especially when his cohort yelled: "You are not a god!"
Juxtaposed to this, the anime shows him as evil from the beginning, making his goal seem like a corrupted one from the start. His god-complex is clearly developed in the anime and he shows it relentlessly, accompanied by strange music and eerie eye colouring. In the anime, Kira is a madman.
Also, missing from the anime is Ryuk's humourous nature and his addiction to apples. Ryuk seems to add a sort of dark humour to Death Note, making the readers unsure of what he's thinking and doing. Even at the time of Light's death, Ryuk simply shows his smile again and again, proving indefinetly that he's not on Light's side or L's.
Oh yeah. Watari is teh sexiest person evar.