My Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Predictions!!!!

Jul 18, 2007 14:02

WARNING TO ALL!!! Might contain some HP5 and HP6 spoilers if you haven't read those yet! Proceed at your own risk!!!

1) Who will die? (J.K.R. has said that two MAIN characters die)
  • Harry- I do not believe that Harry will die. Though it would be wonderful dramatic irony, the hero having to die to get rid of the evil trying to take over the world, I just don’t think J.K.R. is going to kill him.
  • Ron- No. Ron is such the awkward little prat that he just can’t die. I don’t believe Rowling would do this to us when Ron finally last year realized that he’s an idiot for not telling Hermione how he feels. Come on, we need some hope for a happy ending!
  • Hermione- same goes for Hermione. She’s the brains of the outfit, but not only is she the brains but she has the ability to perform spells with great accuracy and I believe that she would be at the very least a challenge in a duel. So I think she will be able to defend herself and live.
  • Hagrid- Here is a tough one. I have always had a feeling that Hagrid might die. So Hagird is my first vote. As much as I will hate it if this happens, something is just pulling me towards this possibility.
  • Fred and George- NOOOOOO!!!! If she kills off either of these two, I think the whole of the HP fandom will riot. Fred and George are the comedic relief, which you need especially in times of strife. So I do not think they will die
  • Ginny- Of course not, because Ginny and Harry need to get married in the end and live happily ever after! (optimistic to the point of foolishness ;)
  • McGonagall- I think McGonagall will take over as headmaster (obviously) but I do not think that she will die
  • Lupin- Will not die
  • Snape- Will not die, but will show where his loyalties lie. I am of the firm belief that Snape is good and will help Harry and the Order in the end. I also believe that since he was the one that escaped with Draco that he will help Draco
  • Voldemort- HE WILL DIE! One way or the other he will. I don’t think JKR would be able to stand ending the books with evil being victorious
  • Draco- No, I don’t think he will die, but I am torn as to his outcome. I love Draco and I hope that he redeems himself. Everyone ignores the one scene in HBP in which he was actually showing that he had some normal human emotions and wasn’t completely cold and heartless and may just be dragged into the life of a Death Eater out of fear. JKR would not take the time to write a scene in which he is CRYING to Moaning Myrtle of all others, if she wasn’t trying to make a point. The same with the scene on the tower. If he were truly evil he would have killed Dumbledore on the spot, but he couldn’t, and had he had more time I believe that Dumbledore would have been able to talk him over to their side
  • Neville- will avenge his parents by killing Bellatrix, but will not die
  • Bellatrix- Will die by Neville’s hand, in vengeance
  • Mr. or Mrs. Weasley- it is possible, just because their family is so large that one of them will die. I think it impossible for the entire Weasley family to survive. Bill already has a close call in HBP, if she was going to kill him he would have died in the last book. My money is on Percy
  • Luna- she won’t die, but I think she will help Harry discover things about Sirius (see my predictions about Sirius)

2) Will Hogwarts re-open and if it does, will Harry return?
  • As many others, I agree that yes it will re-open and that Harry will return. JKR has said many times “7 books 7 years at Hogwarts”

3) Is Snape good (working for the Order), bad (working for Voldemort) or in between (working for himself for whoever provides him with the most benefit)?
  • I am of the group of people that believe Snape to be good. He is in an awkward position, needing to be on the Order’s side but play the Death Eater role at the same time. I tend to believe that Dumbledore knew of the Unbreakable Vow, and made sure that Snape knew if it came down to it, that he would have to do it. Dumbledore is not the type that would beg for his life at the end, so he pleas of “Severus…please” in my opinion were not asking for mercy but were asking for Snape to go through with it so he would survive to help Harry in the end.

4) Which relationships will be developed?
  • Harry and Ginny obviously. Once Harry gets over his male “I must protect you” bullshit
  • Ron and Hermione. FINALLY is the word that comes to mind. After the war they will be able to further develop their relationship
  • Lupin and Tonks. This one is just cute and after HBP its an obvious one
  • Bill and Fleur are going to get married, as we are led to believe at the end of HBP

5) What does “Deathly Hallows” mean?
  • I think it is a fun way to say “Harry Potter and the Horcruxes” Deathly isn’t that hard to figure out, but Hallows used like this means “relics”. And in Arthurian legends, these Hallows (relics) are four objects that represent the elements. Now JKR has hinted that Voldemort would have wanted Four relics from the Four founders. Interestingly enough two of the hallows from the Arthur legends are the Sword Excalibur and the Holy Grail (which many believe to be a chalice or cup of some kind). What are possibly Horcruxes? Godric Gryffindor’s Sword and Helga Hufflepuff’s cup. I think that is a fun little connection. I don’t think that Godric’s sword is a Horcrux but the mere fact that its mirroring the legend is fun.

6) How will Pettigrew’s (Wormtail) life debt to Harry be repaid?
  • I think that Wormtail will save Harry’s life at the very end therefore repaying his debt and doing what he should have done in the first place and died to protect his friends instead of being a coward and revealing to Voldemort where the Potters were

7) Is Sirius really dead?
  • No, and after watching the 5th movie and going back to look through the book again, I believe this even more. Unlike with Dumbledore, JKR has never committed to Sirius being dead. The movie did mess up, they had Bellatrix use the Avada Kedavra spell on him. In the book neither the spell nor the color of the spell was revealed. Also in both the movie and the book Sirius has time to look at Harry before falling into the veil. Had he been hit with the Avada Kedavra spell he would have been dead instantly and would not have been able to do that. So I think he will be back

8) What role will Kreatcher play in DH?
  • A sinister one no doubt. I think that he is hiding at least one or two of the Horcruxes at 12 Grimmauld Place

9) General Comments about what will happen
  • Harry will go back and get his copy of Advanced Potion making. If anything this will help so they can at least defend themselves against possible spells that Snape knows
  • When he does return to the Room of Requirement to get the potions book, he will find other useful items there that will help him defeat Voldemort
  • When Harry turns 17 and leaves Privet Drive it will not be before he finds out exactly what is going on with Petunia. Because there is something secretive there
  • The students will take sides, either with Voldemort or the Order
  • We will finally find out why Lily Evans is so important and subsequently why it is so important that Harry has her eyes
  • From the information I infer from the covers, there will be a crazy ride on a dragon (citing the U.S. deluxe edition cover) how this is possible I do not know, considering dragons don’t typically hang around going “oh sure, hop on, I’ll take you”

Now given that this is J.K. Rowling we are talking about, none of these things could be even close to what will happen. But these are my predictions! :)
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