I tried to write a drabble and failed miserably, so here's a 122-word ficlet.
His and Hers
Buffy/Spike, of course
Willow gives Buffy and Spike a Christmas present.
Faith came up with the name, but it was Willow who ran with it like a marathoner on crack.
“These are…well, I’m not sure you’ll…” Willow let out an uncharacteristic giggle as she handed Buffy the box. “They’re kind of “his and hers” gifts.”
Buffy glanced with some trepidation at her lover as they both reached for the wrapping paper, but Spike wore a small smile. She pulled the wrapping away, and he lifted the lid.
They stared into the box.
After a long moment, Spike held up the pink towel, revealing a blue one underneath, so the rest of the room could see the word Spuffy emblazoned in the bottom right-hand corner.
Dawn snickered.
“Dibs on the blue one,” said Buffy.