(no subject)

Oct 26, 2004 19:28

Name: Steven Metke
Alias: GryMor
Years roleplaying: Indeterminate, first D&D game was in fall of 1994, had been playing MUME for 2 years by then, and might be able to count some of the Robotech/Mechwarrior stuff as early as 1990 (but I'm not sure, I don't remember if we ever actually RPed or just used them as pilots in Battletech duels). Somewhere between 10 and 15 years.

Favorite three characters?
Achikakik - Jawa starship pilot/jury rigger of privateering goodness. Beware of the command detonated thermal detonators, DO NOT CHASE THE JAWA.

Lindo (Lina) - Used Donkey salesman, the luckiest basterd with regards to decks of many things, cursed items, reincarnates and other events of chance. Demonstrated that Diplomacy and Bluff can kill far more of your enemies than your artifact rapier. A monsterouse Mut combination of Rogue, Bard, Wizard, Virtuoso and Mindbender. Ended up as a demoness wolf thing that occasionally polymorphed into his/her old human forms.

Ken Reeb - Telepath on the knifes edge between hero and tyrant, there is such a thing a too much empathy.

Least favorite character?
One of the mages I played in Martin's old WWU Mage game.

Male or female characters?
Some of each, mostly males (if you include online I think it goes around 5 to 1)

Oldest character?
Real Time: Ghrym, transcended dwarven fighter. MUME

Still existing?
Ghrym is still around, but he's a retired Mair now.

Newest character?
Steven E Metke - Twilight Caste Solar Exalted who is currently unconsciouse after a gun shot, a couple of knife wounds and getting cooked by lightning. All after several of his freinds were murdered and the other three in the house Exalted.

Most popular character?
Knows the Many Worlds aka Knows the Many Words aka Webster - Lupus Stargazer from BC

Character you've never played?
Royalty (as oposed to Nobility).

Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge?
Grey/Red Lightning, aka follow the bouncing Garou.

Get drunk and pass out?
Olof Hackenson - Cleric of Odur

Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?
Tie between Lindo (Lina) and Tar Pit/Alec Madson

Get married?
Killian O'Ceallaigh - He's outlived 4 wives so far, whats one more?

Be far too hyper for their own good?
Karle or Sandcaster

Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?

Get lung cancer?
Alexander Zilwicki, if his step daughter lets him live that long.

Star in a horror movie?
Tar Pit/Alec Madson

Star in a whore movie?

Star in a video game?
Sterling/Quylock Norit

Make the world a better place?
Dolphin/David Cage

Have a torrid gay love affair?
Ken Reeb or Machina/Samantha Sebastien Smith, they are two of the children of a mutt fey throwback after all...

Relate each word to a character of yours.
Love: Kitten
Hate: Tom
Money: Achikakik
Seduction: Killian O'Ceallaigh
Lies: Lindo (Lina)
Tragedy: Dolphin/David Cage
Manipulation: Lindo (Lina)
Violence: Crom
Politics: Knows the Many Worlds
Fire: Sara Ashenfall
Ice: Mr. G

Would you ever...
Play a prostitute?
Does courtisan count? If so, yes: Lindo (Lina)

Play a musician?
See above

Play a pilot?
Achikakik, Sterling, Kami Kaze, all the old Battletech/Robotech charecters I can't remember the names of.

Play a homosexual?
Maybe, haven't really done anything more than Bi yet, and most of my charecters are rather asexual.

Play a politician?
Not so much, better to have them as figureheads than be one.

Create a character for the sole purpose of smut?
Likely not.
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